Insights and best practices for digital media professionals, by Manning Krull.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employers. :)   – Manning Krull

Banner ads: four types of watchouts

I just wrote a similar article on this topic for emails (Emails: four types of watchouts), and realized I should do one for banner ads as well! A big part of my job for several years now is reviewing tons of layouts and storyboards for banner ads, flagging any issues, and making suggestions for corrections/improvements. The issues I flag fall into four big categories:

Another way to look at these categories is to think about the opposite of these things, and that's what a good banner ad should be: achievable in dev, 100% ADA-compliant, written and designed to be highly engaging, not too image heavy, and easy/fast/cheap to program. That right there is the formula for success when it comes to banner ads.

I'll break down these four categories a bit; here are some of the things I look for and flag when I'm reviewing banner ad layouts/storyboards:

Not possible in dev:

Not ADA-compliant:

Not good for engagement:

Not efficient for dev:

The above lists aren't exhaustive, but they basically cover the main types of things I flag all the time. My hope is that if you can program your brain to think about banner ad best practices with these four categories of watchouts in mind, you'll be able to design better banner ads, and/or catch these kinds of things in banner ad layouts that you review.

– Manning

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