Insights and best practices for digital media professionals, by Manning Krull.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employers. :)   – Manning Krull

Engagement in digital: a cheat sheet

Engagement is how we and our clients measure the success of our work. When we follow digital best practices we ensure maximum engagement. Content is always king, but these items below are the elements that will elevate your content and maximize success.

Do a lot of these things seem obvious? They should! But I do see people forget about these concepts every day when they're just trying to produce work that's persuasive and beautiful. As digital professionals we need to focus on the entire package, in order to produce the best results for our clients. A persuasive, beautiful website (or other digital piece) won't realize its full potential if we're not using every technique at our disposal to make sure people can and will engage with it.

– Manning

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