Insights and best practices for digital media professionals, by Manning Krull.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employers. :)   – Manning Krull

OFT emails, part 3: info for creatives

New to OFT emails? Start here! OFT emails, part 1: the worst format in the universe

Creative specs for OFT emails are similar to those for typical marketing emails. We mostly just remove the responsiveness for mobile. Here's my cheat sheet for designing OFT emails.

*600 pixels has always been the standard width when designing the desktop view of any email. Some teams I've worked with have chosen to design OFT emails at 480 pixels wide, rather than 600. This means that when the email shrinks down for mobile, it doesn't need to shrink as much — so there's a greater chance it will be readable and look good on mobile. On desktop, the email will occupy a narrower space than what we see in most marketing emails, but not drastically so. I think this is a great approach for creating something that's not responsive but still looks decent on both mobile and desktop.

– Manning

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